In case of receiving any common awards in form of gold, silver or other divisible properties in tournaments, their distribution in clan goes according following scheme:
The sum of the reward divides into total rating of all clan members during reporting period (week). This proportion multiplies on every individual rating index and so you receive the sum of individual award.
Example: There are 5 members in the rating: their rating indexes are: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000. In total, 15,000 points.
The award for some event was 150,000 silver.
150,000 / 15,000 = 10. The award proportion is 10. It means that the player with rating 1000 will get 10,000 silver, and the player with 5000 - 50,000 silver.
The awards come to every player in form of personal notification.
Given resources can be checked in the clan treasury.
Your relevance is reset to zero every week at the beginning of new tournament.
The counting of the results also takes some time. Usually, it ends on Monday.
If the time has passed, but the award still hasn't come then try to:
1. Reopen the game;
2. Check if your region displays correctly. Unfortunately, if your region wasn't set on the moment of counting, the award will not come.
3. Remember whether you have entered the team. When you join the team, your participation in the personal tournaments stops.
Remember that even if you enter the game after the end of the tournament, the counting of the results may still not be ended.
The counting of the results also takes some time. Usually, it ends on Monday.
If the time has passed, but the award still hasn't come then try to:
1. Reopen the game;
2. Ask your clan members if they have received the award. If the problem is mass - please contact technical support
3. Check if you have quit clan recently. When you quit clan, your points reset and you no longer participate in the tournament.
During the tournament the league doesn’t change. If the player started at Silver League, he will end also in Silver League.
So even if the clan gets more points, it can’t switch to prize place from one league to higher one at the end of tournament.
Tournament ends after receiving award in accordance with taken places in leagues. And only after that the clans are ranked to define new top-12.